Pavel Zemskiy: "The Youth League is over, now it’s time to move forward in pro basketball"
In his interview, Pavel talked about how he spends his summer, whether he will miss the Youth League and shared his expectations for the upcoming season.
— How is your summer going? Are you resting more or practicing?
— The summer is going great. Mostly, I’m training. In the morning I’m usually on the basketball court, and in the evening I’m in the gym. I’m working with two excellent specialists: basketball coach Alexander Abrikosov, who helps me improve my playing skills, and fitness coach Mikhail Novikov, with whom we work on endurance and overall physical condition.
— You’ve finished your performance in the VTB Youth League. Are you sad about that?
— I wouldn’t say it’s sad. The Youth League is over, it’s time to move forward in pro basketball. Besides, we finished the championship on a positive note by with winning it, and that only brings joy!
— Who among your teammates and coaches are you keeping in touch with during the off-season?
— I try to keep in touch with everyone a little. It’s important for team spirit and the overall atmosphere in the team.

— The new head coach of Zenit-2 is Serbian specialist Oliver Popovic. What have you heard about him?
— We have yet to meet the coach. I only know the information available in public sources. Oliver is an experienced and demanding specialist who knows how to unlock the potential of players. I hope that under his leadership, the team will develop successfully and reach new heights.
— Last season you made your debut with the main team of the blue-whites. What do you think needs to be done to earn Xavi Pascual’s trust?
— First and foremost, you need to follow the coach's instructions clearly, give one hundred percent, and work hard on defense and offense in every inch of the court. Only then can you earn trust and get more playing time.
— What are your expectations for the upcoming season? What personal goals have you set for yourself?
— To give my all, showcase my abilities, and help the team win new titles. I want to continue growing as a player and contribute to the team’s successes at all levels.