Dwayne Bacon: "If we win championships, I might tat the Zenit"
One of the blue-whites’ newcomers Dwayne Bacon became the hero of the "Show me your tattoo" programme and spoke in detail about his tattoos. The Zenit forward shared what image has the greatest value for him and when he decided to get his first tattoo.
— First of all, Dwayne, how many tattoos do you have in total? Did you count them?
— No. So, I don't know how many tattoos I got in total. I never counted, but I have a lot. I got, you know, my full back, full stomach, this part, both arms, one of my legs.
— Do you remember when did you get your first tattoo?
— I got my first tattoo when I was 15 years old.
— And what is that?
— It was the year my mom was born, so if she caught me, I wouldn't get in trouble.

— How long did you decide to make it? Did it take time to make this decision to begin making tattoos?
— I mean, yeah, it took time. It took a lot. You know, tattoos are like something that stay with you forever. And, you know, not all the time in your right mind as you grow. You know, you probably want some of the same stuff, but, you know, I'm satisfied. This is my body, and I'm happy with it.
— We can see Tupac Shakur on your body. Do you like his music?
— Yeah, I like Tupac, Biggie. So, I tried to put a bunch of influential people, you know, Scarface, Kobe, Cesar, The Planet of the Apes is, like, my favorite series of movies. Muhammad Ali, my brother. So, influential people that, you know, I can take something from, yeah.

— That's cool. And do you have any which you can name the most significant, the most valuable for you?
— The best one to me is my little brother. He's on my back. He passed away, so that's probably my... Yeah, that's probably my... my best one. It used to be my mom until that, until that happened. So, you know, it's definitely my brother. It just made me feel like, you know, he's always watching my back.
— Perhaps you thought about making a tattoo with Zenit symbol or any other club?
— No, I ain't, but I don't know. If we win championships, I might tat the Zenit.
— Do you plan to make any tattoo here in Russia?
– Yes, yes. I found a good tattoo artist here, so hopefully I can cover, fill this part in, and then I got one little spot on my back. Hopefully I can fill that in.

— Whose lips are these? On your collarbone.
— Marilyn Monroe.
— Marilyn Monroe?
— I got them off the Internet. It's not really nobody lips. It's just like an Internet picture of the lips. And that's why it's like that. It's not really her lips, but they off the Internet. So it's like, it's just lips. Like, when I was a kid, you know, I got this tattoo when I was like 15. So when I was a kid, I just always wanted lips on me to act like a woman was kissing me. You know, now that I'm grown, now it's kind of childish. But like I said, like, you know, I live with this. Like, this is me.
— And we can see numbers on your hand. What does it mean? On your elbow.
— On my elbow? Oh, this. Yeah. Ah. I can't tell you all that. Okay. I was a bad kid. Something special.
— And do you think that tattoo is a mandatory element for the basketball player?
— No I don’t think so. I mean everybody getting it now: football players, soccer players got a lot of nice tattoos so I don’t think it’s a mandatory element. I just think you know that’s what guys want to do. I think you look nice. I think it add a little bit to you as a person. A lot of people tell a lot of meaningful stuff that they want to be with them for every everyday life to remind them you know who they are, what they’ve been through, so I think it’s different for everybody. But I don’t think it’s necessarily essential to the basketball like because it’s still a lot of guys that don’t have tattoos.

— What do you think will be, when there will be no empty spaces?
— I probably got like three more tattoos and I’ll be done.
— Do you think it’s normal to make tattoos on your face?
— If you want to do it! Not like crazy big like. I got one on my face but it’s like you can’t really see it for real that’s what I’m saying. So I wouldn’t put me personally I wouldn’t put nothing huge and crazy on my face but I mean I see a lot of guys with like a lot of shit on their face so I don’t know. It’s just how you prefer. I try to like leave all the big stuff like off my neck and my face because at the end of the day if I want a job I can cover all this up and wear a suit. And you’ll never know.